Rabbit Disease: Disease experienced by beautiful rabbits in the world
Rabbit Disease - Anyone would be annoyed when they saw a sick rabbit. Its round eyes, fluffy fur and twitching nose and ears will make you fall in love with it. However, as with other pets, rabbits are also susceptible to disease.
Disease in our beloved Rabbit
So, what diseases are most commonly experienced by rabbits? And how to solve it? Slide your screen down to find out!
The Seven Diseases Most Often Experienced By This Rabbit
1. Overgrown teeth
Usually rabbits will keep their teeth from growing long by chewing fibrous plants. This serves to scrape the front teeth so they don’t grow too long.
As owners, we can ask the veterinarian for help to cut the teeth. If left untreated, this can lead to other problems, like loss of appetite, trauma to the gums and mouth and death!
2. Pasteurellosis
This disease is caused by the Pasteurella multocida bacteria and can be transmitted from sick rabbits to healthy rabbits.
These bacteria cause discharge in the eyes, sneezing, redness and squinting of the eyes, says the Vet West Animal Hospital page. Ears can become infected, leading to abscesses and uterine infections!
3. Hair clumps
Not only cats, rabbits can also produce hair clumps, aka hairballs. This happens when the rabbit licks its body, then its hair is accidentally swallowed into its digestive system, explains the Pets One page.
The rabbit should be able to vomit these clumps of hair, otherwise it will become a barrier in the rabbit’s intestines.
4. Ear mites
Mites are a problem in many pets, including rabbits. Mites are parasites that grow in the ears of rabbits and can cause infection and make their ears dirty due to scale buildup, explains the Pets One page. Symptoms are the rabbit constantly scratching its ears and shaking its head due to itching.
As a precautionary measure, the owner must regularly clean the rabbit’s ears with a soft cloth dripped with baby oil. Don’t use cotton buds, OK!
5. Myxomatosis
One of the most fatal diseases that rabbits can experience is myxomatosis. This virus is transmitted through insect bites, like mites, fleas and mosquitoes, said the Blue Cross page. To make matters worse, chronic myxomatosis can kill rabbits within 2 weeks and acute myxomatosis can kill rabbits in just 10 days!
As a form of prevention, rabbits can be vaccinated against to protect them from myxomatosis.
6. Rabbit bleeding disease
Rabbit bleeding disease aka rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) is no less deadly than myxomatosis. This virus is spread by mosquitoes and flies and other rabbits that have been infected. Surprisingly, this virus was deliberately released to control wild rabbit populations in Europe, said the Vet West Animal Hospitals page.
This disease can obstruct the blood supply to vital organs. To prevent, the vaccine needs to be given every 6 months for adult rabbits.
7. Tumors
Finally, rabbits can develop tumors, you know! This occurs due to excessive, uncontrolled cell growth and can spread to other parts of the body.
The most common tumors occur in the reproductive organs and mammary glands, says the Pets One page. Symptoms include weight loss, lumps, fatigue and difficulty breathing.
To prevent tumors can be done by sterilizing rabbits. Therefore, being sterile can reduce the risk of cancer and tumors in the ovaries, uterus and testes and can increase the life expectancy of rabbits.
Well .. Friends of Zooloverz are the 7 most common diseases found in rabbits. If there are certain symptoms, don’t hesitate to get your rabbit checked by a vet!
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