7 Healthy Rabbit Food List and Dozens of Harmful Foods
Rabbit Food List – Rabbit is a cute pet everybody wants to play with. There are many types of rabbit you can choose to be your pet. Doesn’t matter which type you desire, make sure you have enough place for them to stay and play and also healthy foods to help them grow. We want to help you growing healthy and happy rabbits so we won’t hide the rabbit food list from you.
Pet Rabbit Food List
1. Fresh Hay
This has to be ready every day since fresh hay is rabbit’s diet bulk. If you have adult rabbits, you can feed them with oat, grass, or timothy hays. But if your rabbits are younger, feed them with alfalfa. Alfalfa is good for younger rabbit since it contains high sugar and protein. Hay provides essential fibers that your rabbits need for their digestive health. Hay is also good for rabbit’s teeth.
Hay will help wearing down the teeth of your rabbits. It is good since rabbit’s teeth continuously grow. So, feeding your rabbits hay is going to help keeping the teeth healthy. Choose hays that look fresh and also smell fresh. Moldy and brown hays aren’t good for them. Store the hay in container which has good air flow so it cannot get moldy.
2. Fresh vegetables
Your rabbits need vegetables that are free from pesticides and are still fresh. Wash the entre vegetables before you feed your rabbits. Some vegetables your rabbits can eat are including bok choy, basil, cilantro, celery, and clover. They will also love dandelion leaves, collard greens, kale, and dill. Rabbits can also take mint, parsley, water cress, and mustard greens.
You sure can feed them with lettuce, the romaine one and the dark leaf instead of cabbage and iceberg lettuce. Carrot tops are also good for rabbits since they contain calcium. But since the calcium is in high level, you need to give them sparingly. Broccoli leaves are good but don’t feet them with broccoli tops or stems since these parts make your rabbits become gassy.
3. Pellets
Buy fresh pellets since your cute little rabbits will not get any closer if you give them stale pellets. Find pellets that have low protein but high fiber. As your rabbits age, you have to limit the intake of rabbit’s pellet. High protein pellets will cause obesity to your rabbits and even the other health problems. Avoid feeding your bunnies with pellets mixed with treats like dried corn or other treats.
4. Fresh treats
Just like you, your rabbits love some treats. However, you need to make sure that the treats are given occasionally, for the health of your rabbit sake. Keep treats that contain high carbohydrates like cereal, chips, cookies, pretzels, pasta, crackers, and breads for yourself. Even the treats that are branded for bunnies contain high sugar and fat and you shouldn’t give them to your rabbit.
Chocolate is our favorite treat but dangerous for your rabbits since they’re toxic. Fresh fruits are healthier option for your rabbits but feed them fruits in little amounts since they also contain sugar. Go get free pesticides organic fruits then wash them before you feed your rabbits. Strawberries, raspberries, pineapple, bananas, and apples are the best treats for your beloved bunnies.
5. Fresh water
You must always provide fresh water for your pet rabbits. Hang a water bottle and place water bowl inside your rabbits’ cage. During the hot day, drop some ice cube inside the water dish of your rabbits. If the rabbits don’t really like drinking water, try leaving some vegetables that are still fairly wet every time you feed them.
6. Herbs
Herbs have taste that are truly strong. So, make sure you start feeding your rabbits with small number of herbs and wait until they get used to the herbs. Basil, dill, and coriander or cilantro are some healthy herbs for rabbits. Rabbits can also get parsley, peppermint, rosemary, oregano, thyme, and sage.
7. Wild plants
Wild bunnies out there are eating wild flowers, weeds, and also garden herbs and they’re all so fat and healthy. You can also feed your rabbits with some sild plants including borage, chamomile, calendula, chickweed, and clover whether the flowers or the leaves. Coltsfoot, comfrey, dandelion, and goose grass are some other wild plants your rabbits might like.
You’re also allowed to feed your bunnies with lavender, nettle, and mallow. The flowers and leaves of nasturtium can be nice meal as well. Also consider yarrow, plantain, sow thistle, and shepherd’s purse sometimes.
Rabbit Food Guide
You just finished checking the rabbit food list that you can share with your bunnies. But you better learn about some foods that are harmful for bunnies as well. Then you can keep your rabbits away from death. What are those dangerous foods? Here are some of them.
- Lettuces that might cause diarrhea
- Carrots that are given too often in large amount since they contain high sugar
- Commercial rabbit treats that contain lots of dairy and sugar
- Plants that are growing from bulbs
- Arum lily or cuckoo point
- Amaryllis
- Bindweed
- Bryony
- Bracken
- Buttercup that’s given too much
- Convolvulus
- Delphinium
- Deadly nightshade
- Elder
- Foxglove
- Fools parsley
- Christmas rose or hellebores
- Henbane
- Hemlock
- Lupin
- Lily of the valley
- Laburnum
- Most evergreens
- Poppies
- Oak leaves
- Potato tops
- Ragwort
- Privet
- Rhubarb leaves
- Woody nightshade
- Scarlet runner toadflax
- Yew
If you figured out your rabbits just ate one of the listed foods above, you have to bring your rabbits to vet immediately. If you don’t see your rabbits eating anything but then they get ill, bring them to vet as soon as possible. They probably have been eating something dangerous out there.
It is always better to keep your rabbits inside their house so that they will not eat anything they find on the ground without knowing what danger hiding behind the delicious meals.
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